Sunday, December 29, 2013

What is Real?

Written on 12-29-2013

Everything around us
And everything within us
Is not real

We thrive in a never changing
Life and death
Day and night
Love and hate
Nothing stays the same

As nothing stays the same
Most things are just illusions
And stay the same for what feels like eternity

Look at someone
Each day, they will have a smile on their face
And are positive about everything
But are they happy?
They could be, but they may not

Forcing a smile to avoid the questions:
"Are you okay?", "Do you want to talk?"
"Why are you sad?"

What's worse is the answers you get
After giving them an explanation...
"It'll get better" "Everything is going to be okay"
"You're still young, it will get easier"
But they know it won't

Life doesn't get better
And it doesn't get worse
It just changes

The changes that come
Take the weight off your shoulders
And replace them with shackles
It's just different
Which chances the illusion

Nothing is truly there
We create the mirage
That we're not alone

Maybe it softens the blow
Or even helps us sleep at night
But life changes, and is not a circle
It's a straight line, point A to point C

It's up to us to create point B

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Sky's the Limit

Written 7-31-2013

Ever since I was young, I had this fascination -- more like an obsession -- about one day being about to touch the ceiling. The thing that got to me most about this "top" wall, is how it got up there. Now obviously as I got older, I learned that there was no real magic to ceilings, and it was just accepted that they're supposed to be there.

The fascination never left, though.

So, for a while, I would just lie on the floor of my room and stare, for what seemed like hours, at this indoor sky. My attention was held so tightly, and the thoughts that ran through my mind were so far beyond anything I had ever thought about up until that point, and each and every passing thought had to do with this simple, everyday slate that hangs above the indoor population.

Eventually, I began to think about the future, and how cool it would be. There would be flying cars, and moving sidewalks, and I would finally be tall enough to touch that big indoor sky. I always thought that it would be the coolest thing if I could just touch it, even if I could only do so once.

At the ripe old age of 8, I stood up and stretched my arms up as high as they could go, but no luck. I was no where near tall enough to touch this space, not even if I stand on the tips of my toes. So I sat down on my bed, and started to brainstorm about all the ways I could get to the ceiling without any help. This went on for a day or two, and then I gave up for the time being.

A few days went by, and I didn't think much about that huge thing hanging over my head. I woke up, went to school, came home, ate dinner, went to bed, repeat.

Then one day at school, the teacher was asking the class what they wanted to be when they grew up, and when she got to me, I only said three words...

"I don't know."

After making that statement, she walked over to my desk and crouched down, and to be honest, I thought I was in trouble for not having my entire life plan in order at that point. But instead of telling my to think about it and that she would come back to me, she told me something that would stick with me. She smiled, and said, "A lot of kids don't know what they want to do, and it's good that you don't, in a way. When you do decide it's time to pick a path in life, just remember that the sky's the limit!" Then, she stood back up and walked back to the front of the classroom, where she continued with the lesson.

For the rest of the day, I thought about her words, and when I got home, I looked up and quietly said to myself, "the sky's the limit". I giggled softly as I ran up to my room, to lie on the floor like I had done since this interest sparked.
I laid there for about an hour or so before I decided that I needed to stop reaching for this indoor sky, and just wait for myself to grow so I could touch it. I didn't want to be able to reach it at that point, because even though I was young, I realized that I was too young to reach my limit. So, instead of trying to run my fingers across the ceiling, I would stare at it, and wonder what it had in store for me. I would sleep on the floor, and pretend I was sleeping under a [not so] starry sky.

About 10 years later, I am sitting here typing about this short period of time in my life, as I glance up at the ceiling for inspiration, and I still sleep on the floor and pretend to be camping out. But the one thing that makes me truly happy is that even though I'm an adult now, I still cannot touch the ceiling, nor do I want to. I want to know that the skies the limit, and that there is a good foot between the tips of my fingers, and the sky that's inside.

I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I still have time, and as long as there is space between my hands and the sky, I will always know what my limit is.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

I Guess it's Time to Part

Written on 7-20-13

17 going on 18 years
You were always there for me
You held my hand for 15 years
And you still held me close when I cried
But now I guess the alarm clock finally woke me up

The past few months have been full of darkness
But I still had hope that one day
It would get better
Now I know one day will most likely never come
And I'm still waiting for it

I need to see that nothing lasts forever
And as much as it kills me to walk away
From everything we had
It feels like I should
For my misery has hurt you too much

I am pretty much on my own now
Whether you see it or not
Your little baby girl has finally scene past the fairytale
Not everything lasts forever
Unless everyone involved works at it

Like you said...

"It takes two people to make a marriage,
and two people to neglect it, and end it"

The same goes for every relationship in life
Sadly, I never thought we would neglect our bond
But I guess that's how life works...
Nothing truly lasts forever, and everything happens for a reason.

Friday, June 28, 2013


Written on 6-28-13

Today has become the end
Not for me
But for everything around me

Today has shown me that
I stand alone
And that my points become more moot
As the days pass

Today has given me
The dreadful gift of emptiness
Wrapped in grief and sorrow

But most of all
Today has weighed me down
Dragging me to the bottom
Of a bottomless pit of despair

I am alone
For I am the weak link
In the strong chain

I sit and wait
Hoping to wake up
From this awful and dreadful place
But I still lay asleep in this nightmare

The pain from years of built up emotions
Has finally began to eat away at my core
And is savoring every sip of my soul

I know my emotions hold very little value
For what I feel isn't true
What I feel is an opinion
But it's the truth to me

My perception has glared over
Many memories and events
And everything is starting to become a blur

If I could stop it
If I knew how to stop it
I would
But I fear it is too late to pull the break

So today has become the ending
The beginning of the ending

And all I can do is sit here and wait.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Written on 6-14-2013

Even though we are young
And everyone sees us as kids
The love we share is just as important
And strong as anyone else that has what we have

One thing that is more important
Than the love we share
Is trust.

Love comes with trust
It's a package deal
And I think we're doing amazing
But something else that comes with love
Is jealousy

Jealousy is a terrible thing
But at one point or another
Jealousy can become so strong
That it's unavoidable.

But the thing is
I will always get jealous
To most girls, all girls are a threat

But in this situation
It's one in particular
This girl drives me up to the highest peak
And suffocates me
Until she goes to bed

I don't think I'm wrong to be jealous
Not in this instance
I love and trust you more than anything
But I wouldn't trust her with the oxygen around her

It hurts to see her look at you
The way I look at you
Even though her looks are a failed attempt

I keep in mind that you are my forever
And that nothing will get in the way of that
But the mere thought of her
Her pure, dense ignorance and how she disrespects me
Drives me insane

But then once the green fog
Stops cluttering my mind
I remember that I love you
And that will never change

Because even though she looks at you
The same way I look at you
You look at me that way, and not her

She can make hearts for you
And tell you that she loves you
She can flirt with you in front of me
I will let her do what she pleases
I will no longer stand in the way of her petty attempts

But I will no longer stand in the way
Because I'm standing in the way of nothing
Instead I will stand before you
And hold your hands

I will hold you closer than anyone
In my heart and arms
I will makes hearts for you
And I will always flirt with you
And most importantly, I will tell you that I love you

So I will let her do what she wants
Because after writing all of this
I'm starting to see that it's actually quite funny
And that she's not a threat

I will still keep a watchful eye though
Because who would I be if I didn't?
I wouldn't be very good at my position, now would I?

I will always care and love for you
No matter what comes our way
No one will separate us
And once we're holding each other, I'm not letting go
As for her, she can hit the road.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Your Baby Girl

Written on 4-9-13

Today, she takes her first steps
And tomorrow, her first word
But wait
That was long ago
Your baby girl is grown now

Today, your baby girl sits quiet
She sits alone
In her late teens
She has little family left
And little strength to go on

Today, your baby girl realizes
All mistake can hurt
But they can be reversed
They aren't permanent
She is strong

Yesterday, your baby girl cried
Saddened from the losses
That had struck her life
But today, she has grown wiser
She has gone above

Tomorrow, your baby girl may succeed
But she may not
But she will have a tomorrow
And her curiosity over-powers the fear
As she strides on

Your baby girl is not the toddler
Nor the kid, or teen you knew
For this baby girl is a young woman
Though tears may fall, and blankets still comfort
She has grown.

You may think,
"It was like it was yesterday"
But you need to think
"She has grown, and she grew
from what yesterday had bestowed"

Today, your baby girl is on a path
This path she chose herself
And even though she is no long
The baby girl you knew
She's the baby girl you have to know

Now, your baby girl thinks ahead
Looking to a bright future
That is to be a clean slate
This thought gives her hope
And her lost dreams a heart beat

Look at your baby girl
Tell her you care, that you love her
And hold her close
For she will be taking her first steps again
But these ones, she will be taking alone

At this moment, your baby girl smiles
She wipes the tears from her eyes
She gets up, and brushes herself off
For, your baby girl has found inner strength
And this strength is brought upon
From what her future beholds.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

A Dying Soul

Written on  4-6-2013

As I sit here sunken
Deep in boroughs of thought
Waiting in the silence
Unaccompanied by no one
But a gloomy presence

The knowledge of abhorrence lurks
All that is left is a blank stare
And a broken soul

Heart beats slower
With every passing moment
Frozen by every recollection
Time is nonexistent now
Much like the life refrained

This experience become deadly
To whatever wholesomeness is left
Becoming colder with every shallow breath

Laying down on the floor
After a hardened look in the mirror
It sets in
And the final thought is
Nothing can be brought back

The floor shall be the resting space
For whatever is left
Time is nonexistent
So it is no longer the threat.