Thursday, January 12, 2012


Written on 1-12-12
Tears cried
Blood shed
Hair fallen
Time wasted
Soul gone

The pain that was caused
Had such an effect
No one cared though

No one cared that she had cried
Or cut
Or was losing hair
Or wasting away
Or lost

She started to realize
That no one was the reason
For her pain

She was alone
No friends to make her laugh
No love to beat her heart
No good to rid the bad
No light in her darkest hour

But she figured
That that's how it's
Supposed to be

She thought she was meant
To be used
Their happiness came
From her pain
She was apathetic towards this

As she grew sadder and lonesome
The people that used to care
Left and became happy

She thought she caused it
Their pain
And she thought that them leaving
Was so they were happy
She thought it was just

But even so she question
If they were unhappy
Why would they have just left

She pondered endlessly
Becoming more depressed
She couldn't cry
Or speak
Or even have energy to awaken

This went unnoticed
By everyone that had cared
But now, it didn't matter

Her reality had morphed
From okay to hopeless
She thought she had no point
If she hurt others
Then she should hurt herself

Others had no problem hurting her
She just needed to do what they did
Lie, manipulate, curse, and hate

She started doing just that
She was cutting and burning
She wouldn't eat
She would call herself terrible things
All just to understand

But after awhile she didn't
She didn't understand anything
Not life, and not herself

In all of the pain
She had lost herself
She had lost her friends
And had lost her emotions
And thoughts

Upon realizing this
She was to lost to see
Or care about it

She didn't care if she was hurt
Only if others were
And she would blame their pain
On herself
And hurt herself even more

When she would be seen
No one recognized her
She was gone

Her soul was hollow
Her skin became pale
Her eyes dull
And for the most part
She had become mute

She was gone
No one cared
But she was gone

Even through her departure
They still talked
And hurt
And cursed
No one saw what they caused

But no one cared
They thought it was better
She thought it was better

She had never stopped changing
Until one day she couldn't
She had saw herself as dead for too long
That her thoughts took a hold of her heart
And stopped it

Stopped the beating
Stopped the blood
Stopped her life.

Ponder For Me, If You Will

Written on 1-6-12

It was a run
No exact distance
But we are now two
You no longer had a want
For our love

For a time I was alone
By myself
Left in the dark
But then I moved on
To someone that made me smile again

You were told of this
And you are now saddened
For I am no longer waiting
Sitting in the musty pit
I am no longer attached

For now I am left torn
Between what I know
And what is yet to be discovered
I want to be yours
But you aren't ready

Maybe down the path
You and I will be us again
But for now
We are close friends
Caring ones, too

I still cry over memories
I'm not sure if you do
But I know you think about it
The way it was
How I was one-of-a-kind

The sad part is that I still think
And wish to go back
But I just can't
Not here
Not now

I knew I had to let go
When I found out that
You told her
How much you wanted to be with her
Before we even parted

That's what hurt the most
The day of lies
You told me you loved me
You told me that I was yours forever
But it stopped just like that

You even still treated me good
As if I were still yours
But then you just stopped
Out of nowhere
You couldn't even hold me

That is when I knew it was over
Scene faded, curtains fell
And after you left that day
I fell to my knees and cried
For hours, awake and asleep

 The tears that fell and are falling
Don't even come close
To the amount of pain I have
Nothing can come close
To the way you broke my heart

The deepest trenches known to man
To not come close to the cuts in heart
Dust in the wind could never touch upon
My fading soul
A power outage is not to my dead thoughts

I am beyond lost
But you keep telling me it will be okay
I just don't understand why
If you still love me,
Why don't you want me?

That is all I want to know
Whether the answer is long or short
Or the question needs to be explained
I just want to know
Why you still see my spirit as "love".