Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Your Baby Girl

Written on 4-9-13

Today, she takes her first steps
And tomorrow, her first word
But wait
That was long ago
Your baby girl is grown now

Today, your baby girl sits quiet
She sits alone
In her late teens
She has little family left
And little strength to go on

Today, your baby girl realizes
All mistake can hurt
But they can be reversed
They aren't permanent
She is strong

Yesterday, your baby girl cried
Saddened from the losses
That had struck her life
But today, she has grown wiser
She has gone above

Tomorrow, your baby girl may succeed
But she may not
But she will have a tomorrow
And her curiosity over-powers the fear
As she strides on

Your baby girl is not the toddler
Nor the kid, or teen you knew
For this baby girl is a young woman
Though tears may fall, and blankets still comfort
She has grown.

You may think,
"It was like it was yesterday"
But you need to think
"She has grown, and she grew
from what yesterday had bestowed"

Today, your baby girl is on a path
This path she chose herself
And even though she is no long
The baby girl you knew
She's the baby girl you have to know

Now, your baby girl thinks ahead
Looking to a bright future
That is to be a clean slate
This thought gives her hope
And her lost dreams a heart beat

Look at your baby girl
Tell her you care, that you love her
And hold her close
For she will be taking her first steps again
But these ones, she will be taking alone

At this moment, your baby girl smiles
She wipes the tears from her eyes
She gets up, and brushes herself off
For, your baby girl has found inner strength
And this strength is brought upon
From what her future beholds.

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