Friday, May 8, 2015

Watered Down

Written on 5-8-2015

Being in the middle of life and what I have,
all I can do is go with the current.
If I try to get out too fast,
I will wash up on the shore.

Day in and day out,
I sit in this vast ocean and wait;
the tide goes down when the world is quiet,
and goes back up when the day is raw.

While I lay here treading water,
I wonder what would happen if I went under...
but then I decide that it won't make things better or worse,
it will just change.

If I had to say anything right now,
it would be, “I'm sorry”.
Not for something I have done
but for the things I never did.

If I could go back in time,
I would be placed at every disaster;
So if I were to go back in time,
I would be exactly where I am now.

I lost my boat a long time ago;
it took in too much water and went under.
So I sit here and wait, not for someone to save me,
but for the water to drift me to the shore.