Written on 5-24-2014
No motivation
No energy
No matter how much you try
Or how good things are
You still cry every night
No matter how many people care
You still feel alone
There is only you
And even when you think there is another
You are still by yourself
Everything is dark
Your soul becomes hollow
And your body becomes numb
You try not to think
Because the bad thoughts make things worse
And the good ones are just dreams
But even when your mind is empty
Memories still linger
Days pass like the air that used to bring you to life
But you feel like your life is gone
And replaced with nothingness
But with nothingness
Comes pain and sorrow
And it's those feelings that remind you that you're still
Reminding you that time will keep going
And with the tiniest shred of hope, that there's a light at
the end of the tunnel.
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