Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Written on 5-1-12

The gap grows larger by the day
And every second that passes
A memory fades

With every moment that is spent
Crying over the past
Present time is wasted

The past should have never been
It should have never existed
But it did

And instead of looking at everyday
As a wonder in itself
I sit here and wish to erase everything

The pain has grown to the point that I barely speak
I can hardly bare the burden of movement
And I find myself holding my breath

But why should I be upset
It was just a game to you
All you did was make up a story

But you never wrote the ending
So lets start off the ending
With how you lied to me

For three days you kept a secret
That you knew would destroy me
But I guess that was your goal

For three whole days you still said
"I love you more than anything" but forgot to add
"but her" to the end

And then you did it
You ended it and not just that
 You blamed me

Well for an hour I still believed that I loved you
And I felt sorry for myself
But then I started to put it all together

You had fallen for her
And you left me
For her

And then funny part
Is that it had always been like this
Every day together was a lie

Now you still deny it
But I know you never cared for me
I was just a place holder

And seven months later
After all is set and done
I finally finished the puzzle

The love that was shared
Was nothing more than
A publicity thing

And now I realize
How stupid I was
A what a jerk you were

But now for the ending of the chapter
This ending of which I have awaited for
And here it is:

"And now that I know the real you
I no longer have a need for you in my life.
You were a regret and a life lesson.
The regret being the whole relationship,
and the life lesson being look for the signs
early on and never fall for an asshole
like you."

So with that being said
And the cover being closed
This is my final goodbye.

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