Written on 10-22-11
If there were to be a day that not one tear would fall,
The world would fall silent for no more could be heard.
If there were to be a time where no pain was felt,
Everyone would cover the hole that once held a heart.
If there could be just one kind-hearted soul for every soul hurt,
Pain would be the only thing dripping from the Earth's crust.
"Now wait", you may say. "I am kind. I have a heart. I wipe the tears of the sad and lonely." Well, I'm here to say that you don't. You claim your good deeds as if they were true. You may trick the standard fool and dimwitted, but I see who you are. You are the reason most stay home, others cry, and many become mute. You have brutalized the masses and tricked and claimed the imbeciles as your army to slither around in the cold, hard land in your mind until they become tangled and matted. You are not good, yet manipulate, and you think you are so clever? Was there ever a day that you felt that you could say, "Instead of being a mangy, disgusting mutt, maybe, just maybe, I could pick up my act and do good of what I have done wrong."? Only a cruel, stubborn, incoherent, twit such as yourself could hold so much power over the followers and conforming idiots of this unfortunate rock that we inhabit. So, sine you probably couldn't follow, I am saying that you may have the power over the slow and the half-wits, but the population and previous generations that use more than one brain cell will not follow or listen, or even give you the time of day. Have fun with your pathetic, meaningless, life. Or should I say lifeless?